Thursday, May 28, 2009

Like a running stone

Zach Braff in Garden State.

You know those author films where the main character is going through either a crisis or some sort of revelation and there is a moment when he or she is clearly set apart? I mean really set apart, different, the one moment when you know for sure that particular character is alone in some way?

It can be, for example, Zach Braff is on a plane and everybody's reading light is off except his (in Garden state) or it can be Scarlett Johanson walking through the streets of Tokyo looking glum in Lost in Translation...

I'm sure you can think of your own examples (if you're that geeky send me a list of films) but today I had my own "everybody's light is off except mine moment in Western civilization".

I was stepping out of the metro at my own pace when suddenly a woman next to me started running. Then the guy on my other side started to run too. Despite the suits and bags and all they ran pretty fast. I look behind me and people are starting to run. Well, I don't know why but I started to run too. I thought 'I'll be damn if that old lady is going to out run me!' And while I was running I was looking from side to side to see if anyone knew where we were going, if anyone had a God damn clue. All I saw was very eager people. I asked myself, 'why am I running? I have nowhere to go, no one's expecting me.' so I stopped running. I was the only one. No one bumped into me but I saw them run all around me towards the exit.

I miss the Asian calm.

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