Saturday, September 5, 2009

A-going to Thailand: arrival in Bangkok

There is a significant number of things I had forgotten about Asia. Considering I was away only a couple of months I am oficially worried about my memory. And no, I didn't drink that much in Belgium.

I had forgotten the amount of people, how it's hard to walk in a straight line as you keep moving away from little kids, adults speeding up, ladies with bags, adults speeding up while dragging little kids (those are very dangerous - if the kid is really small you only see them after you bumped into them), old ladies that stop right in front of you looking around as if they just forgot where they are going..., the smell of 32 different dishes being prepared at the same time that comes at you from every corner...

I had totally forgotten that even when there seems to be a queue there really isn't one...

I had also forgotten how my body feels after being in the air for over 16 hours. It's not just tiredness, it's like my muscles are made of clay and are all stiff until they warm up. I was awake for 27 hours and as soon as I thought I was doing well I crashed, it just so happens that I was at the airport waiting for the bus when I fell asleep. I woke up 1 hour later...

Since I am still in US time it means I'm 11 hours behind Thailand time. Yay...

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