Saturday, October 18, 2008


I once read something about the Belgians, I don't remember the exact words so I'll paraphrase: The Belgians were invaded and disputed so many times they they are now hiding as best they could, not really advertsing their tourism areas, trying to lay low. Let people go to France or The Netherlands...

That might explain why most people think there is nothing to see in Belgium, why even the Belgians sort of shrug when I compliment their country. The only thing Belgians rave about besides food and alchool are comics. I found I could live with that. So much that I collect restaurant cards, spent a fortune on comics and was ordered to stop drinking by my doctor.

I had visited Belgium twice before deciding to move there, the fact that was a sunny, hot summer during the last visit may have helped - God knows there were no sunny summers here after I moved.

The Belgians are so used to foreigners that they sort of ignore you, I supposed it's hard to be impressed when you host thousands for the EU alone. Once they figured out you want to talk or perhaps drink it's a whole different story.

After two years I can say for sure that Belgium is not as boring and gray as some people claim, there are tons of cultural and sport/outdoor activities - I did rock climbing, cycling, kung fu, running, swimming... You can meet people from all over the world and chat away in one of Brussels' thousand Irish pubs. And Belgian politics are a real source of entertainment! The whole Flanders / Wallonia thing is just soap opera of politics, just as the wonder couple is getting back together something sets them apart, there is the evil extremists, the peacemakers, the benevolent but rather naive king... If you speak/understand French check out the Belgian Side Story.

There are plenty of green areas around, Brussels alone has more than 10 big parks. I really enjoyed my time there however I did miss the Portuguese weather.

The close border to The Netherlands, Germany and France may not have helped Belgium in the past but it's perfect for travellers. I recomend that you make the most of it while here as I did.

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