Saturday, May 16, 2009

Change of NGO

After a couple of days at Baan Unrak I noticed things that were a bit bizarre. At first I didn't pay too much attention to it but as the days went on the list of things I didn't agree with increased.

The list of things included inocent stuff like a controlling director and is also off the planet on most days, she would walk away in the middle of a conversation because she thought of something else.

The list also included more serious stuff like the fact that the Baan Unrak school doesn't accept Muslims students. Despite the fact that Sangkla is extremely poor and that most refugees can barely scrap off food they don't take students for free, they charge 3000/4000 BHT per student per month. That's a local salary multiplied a few times. Also I saw the director ask 500 dolars/per month to an Australian that wanted to sponsor some kids to go to school. Notyhing in Sangklaburi is worth that. Things like that.

I understand they've done some good and that they help but I couldn't stay there anymore.

The week in Ko Lanta helped me get to know Children of the forest better. They offer free education, food and transportation to anyone that wants to learn. That means that live off donations only and as such are struggling a lot more than Baan Unrak. Yet no one is refused. I like that. There seems to be a lot more happiness in the working space as well. Their website needs to be updated urgently so as the days go on I'll try and tell you more about the project. yes, with photos.

1 comment:

Sofia said...

Não existes. És mesmo fantástica. Não cedes perante as injustiças, quem me dera que toda a gente fosse assim. Vejo o teu sorriso como nunca tinha visto. Espero que estejas feliz, um beijo do tamanho do mundo.