Friday, May 15, 2009

I made new friends!

Lots of photos today. I wanted to really try and show you how much fun I had and I thought the best way was to show you my smile.
The landscapes are just there to make you jealous.
A close friend, a punching bag.

On the truck with some of the boys.
This is Pee-Wah, my favorite Burmese. Despite the fact that she doesn't speak English it was with her that I had the most laughs with.
She also has the biggest braid I've ever seen.
Twice it went down to her feet and twice she cut it, this is the third try. Blimey!

This is Lek. Don't let his serious face fool you, he was my date on most nights out.
He also took this picture.

This is Booboo, he respected me a lot more after I beat his ass in Thai Boxing.

This is the biggest smile Joidapur has for the cameras. He's 19, you see, he's too cool to smile.

Asian kids are too cool to be true...

This is Saranee, she made the necklace I'm wearing.

I got to sit down a bit but my camera never stopped working.

All the teachers liked me

Well, some more than others.

But really what's there not to love?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're not jealous AT ALL !

The older (and very much loved too) one.