Monday, June 8, 2009

Daytrip: Maastricht, Netherlands

For reasons that are uninteresting to this post the bride-to-be choose a seamstress whose shop is in The Netherlands, more precisely in Maastricht.

So for several Saturdays my friend took the train to Maastricht and I was lucky enough to join her on the last ones. Last time despite the glorious weather we didn't see much more than the route between the train station and the shop. This time however we made sure to visit the town. Naturally it was cold. And no, not just for me that just arrived from Thailand. If you looked at everyone's clothes and not the calendar you'd think it was Autumn.

I had an ice cream just because. It took me over 20 minutes to warm up my hand afterwards but I was still very happy about having some cookie dough.

The trip was an overall success we laughed at things no one else would understand or find funny (it's time to stop trying to explain ''you had to be there'' moments), the dress was ready and I left my empty cookie dough package in the seamstress desk. Not on purpose, I swear.

The last five minutes in the store were very confusing. I couldn't find a garbage bin so I set the package on the table for two seconds. Then my friend was showing off her dress to other guests, and because of my wide smile they thought I was the proud girlfriend. The smile was mostly because I heard the dress' explanation and story several times and because I was struggling to understand Dutch. While I was trying to correct that detail the seamstress wished me a happy return to Bolivia. To where? To Indonesia. I stuttered Thailand and groom somehow. Everyone was laughing, I wanted to leave so I opened the door as fast as I could. The door got stuck in the rug and I could barely squeeze myself out. And half way to the train station we realized the package was still on top of a very fancy table in a very fancy store...

The art scene in Maastricht:


António Rebordão said...

Até me doí a alma pensar que provavelmente será este o tipo de clima que me espera em Ghent.

Aqui em Tóquio a época das chuvas já começou e adoro este calor que se cola ao corpo e que me faz sentir o Capitão Willard do Apocalypse Now.

Que a saga continue!

babsy! said...

Nao me canso de repetir: se o clima da zona Benelux fosse como o portugues ninguem iria embora. Ha 3 anos vivi um verao incrivel em Bruxelas mas desde ai que tem sido complicado. Ha 2 anos o verao foi em Abril... Acho que o pais vale a pena e que vais gostar mas sim o nebluado constante e uma chatice. No meu blog antigo, em portugues, sugeri varios restaurantes ou sitios pela Belgica, so fui a Gent duas vezes mas gostei. Boa sorte com o flamengo e com as nuvens! :)