Sunday, October 12, 2008


While living in Latvia I visited Estonia 3 times, all magnificent trips.

First I did a road trip on the south, it included totens, animal heads above doors, a bat cave (a cave where bats live not, you know...), driving in a frozen lake which makes me smile even now, me sinking my car in a ditch - in my defence it was covered in snow and I didn't see where the road ended or started and I had never driven on snow before and a delicious stew served in bowl that fitted in my hand.

my second trip included a guided tour to a bog, it's sort of lake a swamp without the smell, it's beautiful and all our road was basically saw dust on top of water - very strange feeling. The trip also included a 14km kayak adventure down the river, to this day I have never been on a kayak again, I am still exausted. (hey, I have a recovering tendinitis on my shoulder!)

The last trip was Tallinn. There are hardly words for the old town, embedded in a great castle and full of great places to eat. It's (or was) more touristy than Riga's old town. Due to its small size I could walk around a lot and enjoy my long weekend there. I found people to be very friendly and most spoke very good English.

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