Friday, April 17, 2009

Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom

Angkor's archeological park was named after the main temple Angkor Wat, it was also the one that historians and archeologists took more interest upon, that helps to explain (I think) why Angkor Wat gets the crowds out of all the temples and citadels. Due to it my visit was a far less nice experience than Ta Prohm.

The sign says "3 possibilities of visit". All will have tons of people in Angkor Wat.

Dear tourists, if you have kids under the age of 10 please leave them at home or don't come until they have a reasonable age. 5 year olds screaming that it's too hot or that everything is boring does annoy the crap out of other travellers. Also, British and Australian girls please read up about Asia before travelling. Bare shoulders, tank tops and short-short shorts are used in Asia only by prostitutes, not ok in temples... Even if they are very old temples. It would be the same as having someone dressed in what we consider prostitude clothing in a Western church. Ah, yes, and whether or not you have those clothes please don't touch the Budha statues as if He's an old friend.

As much as I loved my visits, I wouldn't like to be in one of the temples alone at night. There are long dark tunnels, narrow passages, decapitaded Buddhas and some have bats (you can hear them but not see them, brrrr).

Angkor Thom is/was a citadel, it's hard describing its size: it has one big temple, Bayon, and four small ones withing its walls plus four amazing gates. Apparently it was self-suficient and hosted 1 million people.
So Ta Prohm is my favorite, followed closely by the Bayon.

So ends my 3 day tour of Angkor Wat. I have hundreds more pictures but I am trying my best not to become one of those annoying travellers that comes back with a 650 photo slideshow...


António Rebordão said...

Olá Bárbara,

Parábens pela viagem e aventuras. Adoro literatura de viagem e há já algum tempo que sigo as suas aventuras através do seu blogue e também no Tempo de Viajar.

Gosto muito de viajar e adorei o parque histórico de Angkor. É um sitio muito especial.

Entretanto tenho uma correcção a fazer. No seu blogue em e em

"Angkor Wat's archeological park was named after the main temple Angkor Wat,"

"O Cambodja estava na minha lista de países a visitar há muitos anos, especialmente por causa de Angkor Wat. Um país com algo tão místico e belo como os templos de Angkor Wat só podia ser belo."

Isto está incorrecto que o parque histórico não se chama Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat é um dos templos e o parque histórico chama-se Angkor, que é o nome da antiga capital do império Khmer. Pode ler sobre as diferenças nos artigos da Encivlopédia Britanica ou na Wikipedia.

Abraços e que a saga continue!

Post-scriptum: Eu vivo em Tóquio mas a partir de Julho mudar-me-ei para Ghent.

Antonio Rebordao

babsy! said...

(teclado sem acentos)

Ola Antonio,

muito obrigada pelo comentario e pela correccao. Tento sempre verificar tudo antes de publicar mas esse detalhe realmente escapou-me, obrigada.

Boa sorte com essa mudanca, Ghent e uma cidade muito simpatica mas imagino que sera um choque depois de Toquio.

Barbara Rodrigues